Cut-70 Stahlwerk Plasma Cutting Machine
Rp 10,500,000.00
Spesifikasi Cut-70 Stahlwerk Plasma Cutting Machine
Deskripsi Produk Mesin Pemotong Plasma merk Stahlwerk tipe Plasma-70 :
Output Current Plasma/CUT 20-70 A
Duty cycle Plasma/CUT 60% at 70 A
Open circuit voltage 240 V
Protection class IP21S
Isolation class F
Input Voltage 400 V AC (+-15%) / 3 ~
Input Frequency 50/60 Hz
Fuse min. 3x 16 A
Max. input current 14 A (one phase)
Max. input Power 7,8 kVA
– Machine Descriptions :
1. 3 phase, portable, fan cooled, thermostatic protection, starting arc with non contact.
2. adopted with advanced IGBT inverter technology.
3. Compressed air plasma cutting calerity.
4. with complete accesories : cutting torch, earth clamp, welding cable, air filter regulator.
Germany Techonolgy
Bergaransi 1 tahun full service dan spareparts ( garansi hanya untuk mesin )
Fast Response di jam kerja : 08.30 – 16.30 ( Senin – Jumat ) ; 08.30 – 14.00 ( Sabtu ) di 0821-22622020 ; Minggu dan tanggal merah libur
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